Restless Sleep



Planet Earth

My name is Sofia Fee. To anyone reading the year is 2072 and it’s been 50 years since the great overpopulation of Australia. I fear that I may be next to be eradicated from our world. My mental illness pushes me to reject simple rules and I just like the many others before me am dangerously close to falling victim to the governments hold. I suffer from a new age illness called backwards- correction or Cb. This was created as depression mixed with the rules of the new world and has a vast rate in small children falling victim. As a victim of Cb I struggle to comply with the overwhelming number of rules and have a high chance of dying very soon.

The government has come up with a simple solution to thin out the human population before our land is destroyed from erosion, and other human error that involves the natural world. The government is made up by a group of leaders called The Power. The Power decided many years ago to increase laws and regulations, with the death penalty applying in most cases. Roughly 300,000 people die each year in Australia, and roughly 38% of that is from the powers newly enforced rules.

I write this to you, so you understand my decision to publicly disrupt the rules of the power, possibly committing my own murder. I cannot stand by while starving people are murdered for taking pieces of bread, fruit and other things they need to survive. I decided this yesterday when my last childhood friend was murdered for trying to defend her child’s actions of taking fruit from the local farmers fruit trees. I have nothing else to live for now other than the possible free will of my generation’s future. I can only hope that my taking a stand will create change in the powers thinking or at least create a following to continue to defy the power.

My plan includes walking out into the hot, mouldy smelling central of the city during midday. Then I will address the public with a quote from decades ago, to which Martin Luther King Jr. states:

‘The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.’

I will relate this to how the oppression of our free will and human rights are so distant that I would rather risk death then continue in this cruel, illness filled world. This will be followed by my openly defying the powers rules. I cannot say how exactly I will do this however as I hope it will come to me on the spot.

I, for the life of me, cannot think to conclude this letter because I know that when I do, I will endure a restless sleep, thinking about my last day on this land. To the person who finds this, I hope you know that those who worshipped the power, were only doing it from their own mindlessness, and those like me who have Cb, shall suffer almost a forgiving disease as we know that we can only think about our illness and not the horrible life that those mindless people will live.  

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